“They know what they need to stay away from”

“I try not to be too overprotective. I give them a little freedom. Last night, we saw a snake outside. Everyone was saying, ‘Omg, we can’t go outside!’ But what are you going to do, lock yourself indoors? I want to expand their horizons. They know what they need to stay away from. When kids get in arguments, parents always step in. I catch myself doing it too. But I step back. They need to learn how to compromise. Sharing is caring! I’m a different grandparent than I was parent. I’ve learned a lot of lessons.”

Thanks Debbie for your #noshameparenting wisdom. It’s a good thing to give kids room to explore and figure out things by themselves. (Even if the 🐍 thing gives me pause… my 2-year-old would probably gleefully pick it up to show me! 😂)