“Whines or Screams”

“My four year old is in a stage (I hope!) in which she cries, whines or screams anytime we ask her to do something. Yesterday, after a long day of being cooped up indoors, she starts crying when I ask her to clean up a spill with a towel (instead of a paper towel). At wit’s end, I respond, rather, uh, energetically, ‘Why don’t you go live with Grandma?! You don’t scream at her and you follow her directions!’ Needless to say, that wasn’t my finest moment of parenting.”

I think we’ve all had a moment where we’ve questioned something we’ve said or done, but we’re all just doing the best we can every day. There’s no one way to be a perfect parent, but there are a million ways to be a great one. Thanks to Nabiha Calcuttawala for sharing your #NoShameParenting story